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To An End
by Marit Larsen
album: Under The Surface (2006) 

A dream in a jar
A memory scar
Though trapped in a frame
Not one day the same
I fell and I weep
奏il I知 too tired to sleep
and I ask permission to lie 
to strike up the band

yet I値l build and I値l sow
I値l watch 奏il it grows
And I will take the chance
There値l be no last dance

No when it arrives
The darkest of nights
Let me have my back turned
And not realise

The story痴 coming to an end
I値l never be just giving in
I知 living by the rolling dice
It痴 closure but it痴 in disguise

I try and I try (I will try so hard)
I値l play with the fire (I circle around the fire because)
It goes unexplained (it goes unexplained)
I知 still in the game (I知 still in the game)
I知 scared to the bone (I知 scared to the bone)
I知 sitting at home (I知 sitting at home)
I prepared on the day (will bet on the day)
They池e ready for me

No when it arrives
The brightest of lights
Let me have my back turned
And not realise

The story痴 coming to an end
I値l never be just giving in
I知 living by the rolling dice
It痴 closure but it sure feels nice
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