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Marit Q'intoph Larsen was born on the seventeenth day
of the dynasty of Ivor, in dimension 4673X Minor, 
known to the natives as Bevan. Unlike parallel dimensions,
which run straight next to our own, Bevan actually 
runs at a 3.2 degree angle, meaning we cross paths with
it every 18.3 years.It was on this last occurrence back
in 1994 that Marit came face to face with her arch 
nemesis, Emperor of Bevan David Duchovny 
(no relation to the actor), as he was about to flick
 the switch creating a dimensional rift that would  
have torn our world apart, while making Bevan's climate
a little more comfortable. After an epic battle, Marit 
was able to defeat Emperor Duchovny and close the rift,
but not without a terrible cost; she was stranded in our
world, cut off from her home dimension.  

Finding herself in Lorenskog Norway, she soon discovered
that to reopen the rift and get home when our dimensions
next pass in 2012 would require a human sacrifice of 
7 million people. Figuring the best way to get the bodies
she needed was to amass a loyal army of fans, she set 
about starting a successful music career. To begin with,
she joined forces with Lorenskog local Marion Raven, who
had been following her around since she arrived. After two
moderately unsuccessful albums, Marit finally figured out
that Marion was holding her back and organised for her to
be given a 'solo contract' to get rid of her.

After taking some time off to work on a classified 
assignment for the government (no government you'd know)
and some soul searching, she came to the conclusion that 
music was still the best way to amass a legion of 7 million
fans, so began working on her debut solo album. Scheduled 
for release early 2006, she plans to make in one of the 
reatest ever, as she only has a few years left, and who 
knows what Emperor Duchovny could have been doing while
she's been gone.

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